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Confessions of a DevRel

I was never a person destined for anything, let alone a career in tech. I must admit that I only showed an interest in the industry in my late twenties. I feel that deep down I knew that I wasn't a born tinkerer, I didn't build my first computer when I was 5 years old and I was never any good at video games. But through the encouragement of a family member when I was thirsty to try something new I left my preconcieved notions at the door and gave it at a shot, and I was superprised to find out that not only do I belong, but I LOVE what I do now a way I hadn't loved other jobs in the past.

I have been going through such an intense learning period over the last few years and that's when I decided to start writing. I began blogging about my own experiences in the tech world, sharing my learnings and insights with anyone who was interested. And I quickly realized that doing this was worth while - not just in learning about tech, but in helping others to do the same.

The blog is growing and I have been getting very encouraging messages from readers who got some value from some of the posts and that's why I'm going to buckle down and create content on a consistent basis to try to not keep all of my learning to myself but to share them with others too. It makes a lot of sense to do this since I get so much value from creators who do the same.

If you feel so inclined and want to shoot over a sponsorship I will be eternally grateful, it will also be an indicator of the direction I should try to push the blog in.

All in all, I just want to say thanks to anyone who reads this, I wish you nothing but the best.

I'm rooting for you, Big hug! Your humble correspondant.

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